
The configuration must be set in multiple YAML files located in conf/ folder from the current working directory.

You can create multiple files containing different part of the configuration. A global merge will be done across all data in all files.

Moreover, the configuration files will be watched for modifications.

You can see a full example in the Example section

Main structure

Key Type Required Default Description
log LogConfiguration No None Log configurations
tracing None No TracingConfiguration Tracing configurations (Jaeger compatible)
server ServerConfiguration No None Public Server configurations (used for API and UI)
internalServer ServerConfiguration No None Internal Server configurations
opaPublisherServer ServerConfiguration No None OPA Publisher Server configurations (will be used for OPA servers publish)
database DatabaseConfiguration Yes None Database configurations
oidcAuthentication OIDCAuthenticationConfiguration No None OIDC Authentication system configurations (Without this, no authentication will be done)
opaServerAuthorization OPAServerAuthorizationConfiguration No None OPA Authorization Server used for authorizations after authentication (through OIDC, without authentication, no authorization will be done)
center CenterConfiguration  Yes None OPA Center specific configurations


Key Type Required Default Description
level String No info Log level
format String No json Log format (available values are: json or text)
filePath String No "" Log file path


Key Type Required Default Description
enabled Boolean No false Enable tracing (Jaeger)
logSpan Boolean No false Should the logger log the span sent ?
flushInterval String No "" Flush interval
udpHost String Yes if enabled "" UDP Host to send span trace
queueSize Integer No nil Queue size
fixedTags Map[String]String No nil  Custom tags to be added on spans


Key Type Required Default Description
listenAddr String No "" Listen Address
port Integer No 8080 Listening Port
cors ServerCorsConfig No nil CORS configuration


This feature is powered by gin-contrib/cors. You can read more documentation about all field there.

Key Type Required Default Description
allowOrigins [String] No nil Allow origins array. Example: This support stars in origins.
allowMethods [String] No nil Allow HTTP Methods
allowHeaders [String] No nil Allow headers
exposeHeaders [String] No nil Expose headers
maxAgeDuration String No "" Max age.
allowCredentials Boolean No nil Allow credentials
allowWildcard Boolean No nil Allow wildcard
allowBrowserExtensions Boolean No nil  Allow Browser Extensions
allowWebSockets Boolean No nil Allow websockets
allowFiles Boolean No nil Allow files
allowAllOrigins Boolean No nil Allow all origins
useDefaultConfiguration Boolean No nil This flag is used to use gin-contrib/cors default configuration and set all custom configuration on top of it. If only this is set, only the default configuration will be applied


Database connection and management are based on Gorm. Only PostgreSQL connection is supported.

Key Type Required Default Description
connectionUrl CredentialConfiguration Yes None PostgreSQL URL like this one: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable or this one host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres dbname=postgres password=postgres sslmode=disable
disableForeignKeyWhenMigrating Boolean No false Disable foreign keys for auto migration (Gorm option)
allowGlobalUpdate Boolean No false Allow global update (Gorm option)
prepareStatement Boolean No false Prepare statement (Gorm option)
sqlMaxIdleConnections Integer No None SQL maximum idle connections for the pool
sqlMaxOpenConnections Integer No None SQL maximum open connections for the pool
sqlConnectionMaxLifetimeDuration String No "" SQL connection max lifetime duration


Key Type Required Default Description
clientId String Yes None Client ID
clientSecret CredentialConfiguration No None Client Secret
issuerUrl String Yes None Issuer URL (example:
redirectUrl String Yes None Redirect URL (this is the service url)
scopes [String] No ["openid", "profile", "email"] Scopes
state String Yes None Random string to have a secure connection with oidc provider
emailVerified Boolean No false Check that user email is verified in user token (field email_verified)
cookieName String No oidc Cookie generated name
cookieSecure Boolean No false Is the cookie generated secure ?


You can see the input and output format of requests made to OPA server here.

Key Type Required Default Description
url String Yes None OPA server url for authorizations checks. This URL mustn’t be the url to the default decision but the complete one.
tags Map[String]String No nil Tags that will be added to each requests done to OPA


Key Type Required Default Description
baseUrl String Yes None OPA Center url for generated configuration or others things
cronRetentionProcess String Yes Cron to start retention process. This will start the retention process to remove data following maximum time declared for status data and decision logs. The cron input must be accepted by robfig/cron  
skipCronRetentionProcessAtStartup Boolean No false Retention process will be started at startup without this being filled with true


This example will show all possible configurations in only 1 file. As said before, you can split it in all needed files.

# Log configuration
  # Log level
  level: info
  # Log format
  format: text
  # Log file path
  # filePath:

# Tracing configuration
  # Enabled tracing
  enabled: false
  # Log span
  # logSpan: false
  # Flush interval
  # flushInterval:
  # UDP Host
  # udpHost: localhost:6831
  # Queue size
  # queueSize:
  # Fixed tags
  # fixedTags:
  #   tag1: value1

# Public server configuration
# server:
#   # Listen address
#   listenAddr:
#   # Port
#   port: 8080
#   # CORS configurations
#   # cors:
#   #   # Allow origins
#   #   allowOrigins: []
#   #   # Allow methods
#   #   allowMethods: []
#   #   # Allow headers
#   #   allowHeaders: []
#   #   # Expose headers
#   #   exposeHeaders: []
#   #   # Max age duration
#   #   maxAgeDuration: 300
#   #   # Allow credentials
#   #   allowCredentials: false
#   #   # Allow wildcard
#   #   allowWildcard: false
#   #   # Allow browser extensions
#   #   allowBrowserExtensions: false
#   #   # Allow websockets
#   #   allowWebSockets: false
#   #   # Allow origins
#   #   allowAllOrigins: false
#   #   # Use default configuration
#   #   useDefaultConfiguration: true

# Internal server configuration
# internalServer:
#   # Listen address
#   listenAddr:
#   # Port
#   port: 9090

# OPA Publisher server configuration
# server:
#   # Listen address
#   listenAddr:
#   # Port
#   port: 8081
#   # CORS configurations
#   # cors:
#   #   # Allow origins
#   #   allowOrigins: []
#   #   # Allow methods
#   #   allowMethods: []
#   #   # Allow headers
#   #   allowHeaders: []
#   #   # Expose headers
#   #   exposeHeaders: []
#   #   # Max age duration
#   #   maxAgeDuration: 300
#   #   # Allow credentials
#   #   allowCredentials: false
#   #   # Allow wildcard
#   #   allowWildcard: false
#   #   # Allow browser extensions
#   #   allowBrowserExtensions: false
#   #   # Allow websockets
#   #   allowWebSockets: false
#   #   # Allow origins
#   #   allowAllOrigins: false
#   #   # Use default configuration
#   #   useDefaultConfiguration: true

# Database configurations
  # Connection URL (PostgreSQL)
  # Can come from an environment variable, a file or a value directly
    # env:
    # path:
    value: host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres dbname=postgres password=postgres sslmode=disable
  # Disable foreign key when migrating
  # disableForeignKeyWhenMigrating: false
  # Allow global update
  # allowGlobalUpdate: false
  # Prepare statement
  # prepareStatement: false
  # SQL Max idle connections
  # sqlMaxIdleConnections: 10
  # SQL Max open connections
  # sqlMaxOpenConnections: 10
  # SQL connection max lifetime duration
  # sqlConnectionMaxLifetimeDuration: 5m

# OIDC Authentication
# oidcAuthentication:
#   # Client id
#   clientId: client-id
#   # Client secret
#   clientSecret:
#     env:
#     path:
#     value:
#   # Issuer URL
#   issuerUrl: http://localhost:8088/auth/realms/integration
#   # Redirect URL
#   redirectUrl: http://localhost:3000/ # /auth/oidc/callback will be added by the application
#   # Scopes
#   scopes: [openid, email, profile]
#   # State
#   state: random-string
#   # Cookie name
#   cookieName: oidc
#   # Cookie secure
#   cookieSecure: true
#   # Email must be marked as verified in the token ?
#   emailVerified: true

# OPA Server authorization
# opaServerAuthorization:
#   # OPA url
#   url: http://localhost:8181/v1/data/example/authz/allowed
#   # Tags
#   tags:
#     tag1: value1

# OPA Center configurations
  # OPA Center url
  baseUrl: http://localhost:8080
  # Cron for starting retention process
  cronRetentionProcess: "@every 30s"
  # Skip retention process at startup
  skipRetentionProcessAtStartup: false