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This interface provide those features:

  • List files and "folders" on specific path
  • Paginate list of results
  • Allow to delete files on specific path
  • Allow to upload files on specific path
  • Allow to download all selected files on current page
  • Upload files on local path
  • Create subpath and upload in it
  • Interface customizations

Installation instruction


Require S3-Proxy 4.X to work with default templates on target bucket. All the other configurations like webhooks, put metadata, ... can be configured as you want.

  • Download interface archive release on Github releases
  • Open archive and extract files
  • Upload files in S3 bucket (named INTERFACE-BUCKET for the next part)
  • Configure S3-Proxy application like the following example


The INTERFACE-BUCKET and the FILES-BUCKET can be the same, you can just manage the bucket prefix to differentiate targets.

# Targets
        - /
        enabled: true
          indexDocument: index.html
      region: eu-west-1
        - /files/
        enabled: true
      # Only if you want to enable upload
        enabled: true
      # Only if you want to enable delete
        enabled: true
      name: FILES-BUCKET
      region: eu-west-1



ExtraJS is an object that allow the interface customization.

To do this, you can implement one or many functions showed in the following interface.

You have to edit the extra-js.js file at the interface root level.

Supported interface

declare let ExtraJS: {
  // Validation will be call in order to validate upload key on each key pressed
  // Params:
  // - uploadKey: Upload Key value from input
  // - t: function to translate a key
  // Return:
  // Error message that will be displayed. If return is an empty string,
  // result will be interpreted as no error.
  validateUploadKey(uploadKey: string, t: (key: string) => string): string;
  // GetUploadSettings will allow to get upload settings for Uppy.
  // Return:
  // Partial object that will be spread on Uppy settings.
  getUploadSettings(): object;
  // GetLogoConfiguration will return the logo configuration.
  // Return:
  // Will return an object with src.
  getLogoConfiguration(): { src: string };
  // GetTitle will return the page title.
  // Return:
  // Will return the page title.
  getTitle(): string;
  // GetFooter will be called to get the footer value.
  // Return:
  // Will return a string representing the footer to display.
  getFooter(): string;
  // Initialize will be run on page startup.
  // This is done in order to load some context that can be interesting to you for another function.
  // Return:
  // A promise. When an error is thrown, it is logged in the console and an error message is displayed.
  initialize(): Promise<void>;
  // IsPoweredByEnabled will return boolean value to know if powered by message must be display.
  // Return:
  // Will return boolean value to know if powered by message must be display.
  isPoweredByEnabled(): boolean;
  // IsDeleteFeatureEnabled will allow to know if delete feature is enabled.
  // Params:
  // - path: actual ui path
  // Return:
  // Will return a boolean to know if delete feature is enabled.
  isDeleteFeatureEnabled(path: string): boolean;
  // IsUploadFeatureEnabled will allow to know if upload feature is enabled.
  // Params:
  // - path: actual ui path
  // Return:
  // Will return a boolean to know if upload feature is enabled.
  isUploadFeatureEnabled(path: string): boolean;
  // isDownloadAllSelectedFeatureEnabled will allow to know if download all selected feature is enabled.
  // Params:
  // - path: actual ui path
  // Return:
  // Will return a boolean to know if download all selected feature is enabled.
  isDownloadAllSelectedFeatureEnabled(path: string): boolean;
  // GetCustomTheme will return a custom theme.
  // Return:
  // Should returns an object that will be taken by createTheme function.
  // Documentation:
  getCustomTheme(): object;
  // GetBaseURL will allow to return the base url used for listing files, getting file or uploads.
  // Note: Deletes are excluded because api provide path for api actions.
  // Return:
  // Will return a string containing the base url.
  getBaseURL(): string;
  // GetExtraHeaders will return extra headers that will be injected on GET and DELETE requests.
  // For uploads, use the 'getUploadSettings' function.
  // Return:
  // Will return an object that will contain headers and values that will be injected on requests.
  getExtraHeaders(): Record<string, string>;
  // GetAxiosTransformResponse will return an Axios transformResponse function that will be used on
  // axios GET and DELETE requests.
  // Return:
  // Will return an Axios transformResponse function.
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  getAxiosTransformResponse(): (data: any) => any;