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This feature have been created to have hooks on all type of requests managed by s3-proxy.


These comes with some limitations:

  • Only HTTP is supported.
    • Why ? Because we aren't too much managing the maintenance of the app and managing different type of hooks will take a lot of efforts and time.
    • If you need another type of message, we recommend you to develop a sidecar to this application that will transform the request.
  • mTLS isn't supported.
    • Same reason as before.
  • All hooks are run in a Go routine and in a sequential way in this one.
  • Webhook body isn't open to customization.


There is a common way in the application of creating a webhook body.

Every hook will have a body built on a common part and only "input" section is different.

The main body is called the HookBody.

Here are all cased for input metadata:


Field Type Description
action String Webhook action (GET, PUT or DELETE)
requestPath String Request path
inputMetadata Input metadata cases Input metadata
outputMetadata OutputMetadataHookBody Output / result metadata (metadata generated from S3 results)
target TargetHookBody Target data


Field Type Description
bucket String Bucket name requested
region String Region where the bucket is located
s3Endpoint String S3 endpoint used
key String Key requested from S3 bucket


Field Type Description
name String Target name matching the request


Field Type Description
ifModifiedSince String If-Modified-Since header value
ifMatch String If-Match header value
ifNoneMatch String If-None-Match header value
ifUnmodifiedSince String If-Unmodified-Since header value


Field Type Description
ifModifiedSince String If-Modified-Since header value
ifMatch String If-Match header value
ifNoneMatch String If-None-Match header value
ifUnmodifiedSince String If-Unmodified-Since header value
range String Range header value


Field Type Description
filename String Uploaded file name coming from request form
contentType String Uploaded file content type
contentSize Integer Uploaded file size


In this specific case, there is nothing. The input data is null.